Source code for cherrypicker.traversable

from __future__ import division

from .picker import CherryPicker

from import Callable
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import re

__all__ = ("CherryPickerIterable", "CherryPickerMapping", "CherryPickerTraversable")

[docs]class CherryPickerTraversable(CherryPicker): """ Abstract class for traversable (mappable and/or iterable) nodes. """ _RE_ERR = type(re.error("")) def __call__(self, *args, opts=None, **kwargs): """ Shortcut to :meth:`.filter`. """ if opts is None: opts = self._opts return self.filter(*args, opts=opts, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): return self._obj.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._obj) @classmethod def _make_child(cls, obj, parent): ccls = cls._get_cherry_class(obj, parent) if parent is not None: child = ccls(obj, **parent._opts) else: child = ccls(obj, **cls._opts) child._parent = parent return child
[docs] def filter( self, how="all", allow_wildcards=True, case_sensitive=True, regex=False, opts=None, **predicates ): """ Return a filtered view of the child nodes. This method is usually accessed via :meth:`CherryPicker.__call__` For an object with a mappable interface, this will return the object itself if it matches the predicates according to the rules specified. For an object with an iterable but not a mappable interface, a collection of child objects matching the predicates according to the rules specified will be returned. This method is not implemented for leaf nodes and will cause an error to be raised. :Example: Find any items with a name of ``Alice``: >>> picker(name='Alice') Find any items with a name of ``Alice`` and an age of 20: >>> picker(name='Alice', age=20) Find any items with a name of ``Alice`` `or` an age of 20: >>> picker(name='Alice', age=20, how='any') Find any items with a name of ``Alice`` and an age of 20 or more: >>> picker(name='Alice', age=lambda a: a >= 20) Find any items with a name beginning with ``Al``: >>> picker(name='Al*') Find any items with a name beginning with ``Al`` or ``al``: >>> picker(name='Al*', case_sensitive=False) Find any items with a name of ``Al*``: >>> picker(name='Al*', allow_wildcards=False) Find any items with a name matching a particular pattern (these two lines are equivalent): >>> picker(name=r'^(?:Alice|Bob)$', regex=True, case_sensitive=False) >>> picker(name=re.compile(r'^(?:Alice|Bob)$', re.I)) :param how: The rule to be applied to predicate matching. May be one of ('all', 'any'). :type how: str. :param allow_wildcards: If True, special characters (``*``, ``?``, ``[]``) in any string predicate values will be treated as wildcards according to :meth:`fnmatch.fnmatchcase`. :type allow_wildcards: bool, default = True. :param case_sensitive: If True, any comparisons to strings or uncompiled regular expressions will be case sensitive. :type case_sensitive: bool, default = True. :param regex: If True, any string comparisons will be reinterpreted as regular expressions. If ``case_sensitive`` is False, they will be case-insensitive patterns. For more complex regex options, omit this parameter and provide pre-compiled regular expression patterns in your predicates instead. All regular expressions will be compared to string values using a full match. :type regex: bool, default = False. :param predicates: Keyword arguments where the keys are the object keys used to get the comparison value, and the values are either a value to compare, a regular expression to perform a full match against, or a callable function that takes a single value as input and returns something that evaluates to True if the value passes the predicate, or False if it does not. :type predicates: str, regular expression or Callable. :return: If this is a mappable object, the object itself if it passes the predicates. If not and this is an iterable object, a collection of children that pass the predicates. :rtype: :class:`CherryPicker`. """ if opts is None: opts = self._opts if how not in self._PRED_RULES: raise ValueError( "`how` parameter must be one of {}".format(self._PRED_RULES) ) if len(predicates) == 0: return self return self._make_child( self._filter( how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=opts, **predicates ), self, )
def _filter( self, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=None, **predicates ): raise NotImplementedError() # Needs to be a class method so we can parallelise it. @classmethod def _filter_item( cls, obj, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=None, **predicates ): if opts is None: opts = cls._opts for attr, pred in predicates.items(): if attr not in obj: if opts["on_missing"] == "raise": raise AttributeError("`{}` attribute does not exist".format(attr)) res = False else: val = obj[attr] res = False try: if isinstance(pred, Callable): res = pred(val) elif hasattr(pred, "fullmatch"): res = pred.fullmatch(val) is not None elif isinstance(pred, (str, bytes)): if not case_sensitive: pred = pred.lower() val = val.lower() if regex: flags = 0 if case_sensitive else re.I res = re.fullmatch(pred, val, flags) is not None elif allow_wildcards: res = fnmatchcase(val, pred) else: res = pred == val else: res = pred == val except cls._RE_ERR as e: # Invalid regex. Always raise. raise except Exception as e: if opts["on_error"] == "raise": raise res = False if res and how == "any": return True elif not res and how == "all": return False if how == "any": return False elif how == "all": return True def keys(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class CherryPickerMapping(CherryPickerTraversable): """ A mappable (key->value pairs) object to be cherry picked from. """ def __new__(cls, obj, **kwargs): picker = super(CherryPicker, cls).__new__(cls) return picker def __contains__(self, key): try: if isinstance(key, tuple): for k in key: self._obj[k] else: self._obj[key] return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def keys(self, peek=None): """ :param peek: Not used. :type peek: object, optional :return: A view of the object's keys. :rtype: list """ return self._obj.keys()
[docs] def values(self, peek=None): """ :param peek: Not used. :type peek: object, optional :return: A view of the object's values. :rtype: list """ return self._obj.values()
[docs] def items(self, peek=None): """ :param peek: Not used. :type peek: object, optional :return: A view of the object's items. :rtype: list """ return self._obj.items()
@classmethod def _flatten(cls, obj, flat=None, prefix="", delim="_", maxdepth=100, depth=0): """ Flatten json object with nested keys into a single level. Args: nested_json: A nested json object. Returns: The flattened json object if successful, None otherwise. """ if flat is None: flat = {} if maxdepth is not None and depth > maxdepth: flat[prefix[:-1]] = obj return flat ccls = cls._get_cherry_class(obj) if ccls is CherryPickerMapping: for key in obj: cls._flatten( obj[key], flat, prefix="{}{}{}".format(prefix, key, delim), maxdepth=maxdepth, depth=depth + 1, ) elif ccls is CherryPickerIterable: for idx, val in enumerate(obj): cls._flatten( val, flat, prefix="{}{}{}".format(prefix, idx, delim), maxdepth=maxdepth, depth=depth + 1, ) else: flat[prefix[:-1]] = obj return flat @property def flatten(self, delim="_", maxdepth=100): """ Flatten down the object so that all of its values are leaf nodes. """ flat = self._flatten(self._obj, delim=delim, maxdepth=maxdepth) return self._make_child(flat, self._parent) def __getitem__(self, args): allow_missing = self._opts["on_missing"] == "ignore" default = self._opts["default"] obj = self._obj if isinstance(args, tuple): # Use lists rather than tuples for better panadas compatibility. if allow_missing: items = [ obj.__getitem__(arg) if arg in obj else default for arg in args ] else: items = [obj.__getitem__(arg) for arg in args] else: if allow_missing: items = obj.__getitem__(args) if args in obj else default else: items = obj.__getitem__(args) return self._make_child(items, self) def __repr__(self): if self._repr is not None: return self._repr self._repr = "<{}({})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._obj.__class__.__name__ ) return self._repr def _filter( self, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=None, **predicates ): if opts is None: opts = self._opts if CherryPickerMapping._filter_item( self._obj, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=opts, **predicates ): return self._obj else: return self._opts["default"]
[docs]class CherryPickerIterable(CherryPickerTraversable): """ A collection of objects to be cherry picked. """ # If the children have different parents to self, e.g. if they are # grandchildren. _child_parents = None def __new__(cls, obj, **kwargs): picker = super(CherryPicker, cls).__new__(cls) return picker def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._obj @classmethod def _make_child(cls, obj, parent, child_parents=None): child = super(CherryPickerIterable, cls)._make_child(obj, parent) child._child_parents = child_parents return child @classmethod def _flatten(cls, chunk, delim="_", maxdepth=100): flats = [] for item in chunk: ccls = cls._get_cherry_class(item) if ccls is CherryPickerMapping: flats.append( CherryPickerMapping._flatten(item, delim="_", maxdepth=100) ) else: flats.append(item) return flats @property def flatten(self, delim="_", maxdepth=100): with Parallel(self._effective_n_jobs) as parallel: flats = parallel( delayed(CherryPickerIterable._flatten)( chunk, delim=delim, maxdepth=maxdepth ) for chunk in self._chunks() ) if self._effective_n_jobs == 1: flats = flats[0] else: flats = self._join_chunks(flats) return self._make_child(flats, self._parent)
[docs] def keys(self, peek=5): """ :param peek: The maximum number of items in the iterable to inspect in order to ascertain what all possible keys are. If None, all items are inspected. :type peek: int, optional :return: A view of the keys that exist in `all` items that were previewed. Individual items may have other keys, but they will not be returned unless all the other items inspected also have those keys. :rtype: list """ preview = self._obj[slice(None, peek, None)] try: keys = set(preview[0].keys()) except AttributeError: keys = set() for item in preview[1:]: try: keys = keys.intersection(item.keys()) except AttributeError: pass return sorted(keys)
# Needs to be a class method to allow parallelisation. @classmethod def _filter_chunk( cls, chunk, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=None, **predicates ): if opts is None: opts = cls._opts items = [ item for item in chunk if CherryPickerIterable._filter_item( item, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=opts, **predicates ) ] return items @classmethod def _get_child_items(cls, keys, batch): if isinstance(keys, tuple): items = [[obj.__getitem__(key) for key in keys] for obj in batch] else: items = [obj.__getitem__(keys) for obj in batch] return items @classmethod def _get_grandchild_items(cls, keys, batch): # Always create lists for better pandas/numpy integration items = [] parents = [] for obj in batch: parent = cls._make_child(obj, None) items.append(parent.__getitem__(keys).get()) parents.append(obj) return items, parents def __getitem__(self, args): if len(self._obj) == 0: if self._opts["on_missing"] == "ignore": return self._make_child([], self) else: raise IndexError(args) propagate = None if isinstance(args, tuple): # Nasty hack because __getitem__ does not support kwargs if len(args) > 1 and args[-1] in (True, False): propagate = args[-1] args = args[:-1] if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] if propagate is None: # Default behaviour if isinstance(args, int): # Valid iterable index, get from this obj. item = self._obj.__getitem__(args) if self._child_parents: return self._make_child(item, self._child_parents[args]) else: return self._make_child(item, self) elif isinstance(args, slice): items = self._obj.__getitem__(args) if self._child_parents: return self._make_child(items, self, self._child_parents[args]) else: return self._make_child(items, self) else: # Get from each child with Parallel(self._effective_n_jobs) as parallel: children = parallel( delayed(CherryPickerIterable._get_child_items)(args, chunk) for chunk in self._chunks() ) if self._effective_n_jobs == 1: children = children[0] else: children = self._join_chunks(children) return self._make_child(children, self, self._child_parents) elif propagate: with Parallel(self._effective_n_jobs) as parallel: tree = parallel( delayed(CherryPickerIterable._get_grandchild_items)(args, chunk) for chunk in self._chunks() ) if self._effective_n_jobs == 1: tree = tree[0] else: tree = [ self._join_chunks([t[0] for t in tree]), self._join_chunks([t[1] for t in tree]), ] grandchildren = [] all_parents = [] for grandchild, child in zip(tree[0], tree[1]): grandchildren.append(grandchild) all_parents.append(self._make_child(child, self)) grandchildren = self._make_child(grandchildren, self, all_parents) return grandchildren else: return self._make_child( self._obj.__getitem__(args), self, self._child_parents ) def _chunks(self): if len(self._obj) == 0: return self._obj n_jobs = self._effective_n_jobs if not n_jobs: return self._obj len_obj = len(self._obj) chunksize = -(-len_obj // n_jobs) for pos in range(0, len_obj, chunksize): chunk = self._obj[pos : pos + chunksize] yield chunk def _join_chunks(self, chunks): return list(chain.from_iterable(chunks)) def __repr__(self): if self._repr is not None: return self._repr try: self._repr = "<{}({}, len={})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._obj.__class__.__name__, len(self._obj) ) except AttributeError: self._repr = "<{}({})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._obj.__class__.__name__ ) return self._repr def _filter( self, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts=None, **predicates ): if opts is None: opts = self._opts with Parallel(n_jobs=self._effective_n_jobs) as parallel: items = parallel( delayed(CherryPickerIterable._filter_chunk)( chunk, how, allow_wildcards, case_sensitive, regex, opts, **predicates ) for chunk in self._chunks() ) if self._effective_n_jobs == 1: items = items[0] else: items = self._join_chunks(items) return items
CherryPicker.register_cherry_type("iterable", CherryPickerIterable) CherryPicker.register_cherry_type("mapping", CherryPickerMapping)